Carrying pollen: the video gets closer to Marquette’s bees

MARQUETTE, Michigan (WJMN) – One evening in early June in Marquette, a familiar buzzing sound came back to a part of town.

Some bees were busy collecting pollen. Cameras from WJMN, WOOD TV8’s sister station in the Upper Peninsula, captured them on the move. You can see that the yellow masses on their legs are where all of this pollen is stored.

Some of the video has been slowed down to show you how these bees do the job. Part is at full speed to show how fast they are working to bring this essential ingredient together.

Spend a minute relaxing and watching them work without worrying about getting stung.

the Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development says bee pollination adds $ 15 billion to U.S. crops and supports the growth of fruits, vegetables and nuts.

“Pollinators play a key role in the sustainability of agriculture and food systems in the United States and contribute greatly to the economy of the country’s agricultural sector,” the agency said. “A strong pollinator community overall helps ensure a better environment. “

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About Sherri Flowers

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